The Communication Revolution Has Begun!

Services by category and related department

Affiliate Awards

Replacing Smart TV for better education distribution.

Chapel Channel

The Chapel Channel can provide 24-hour inspiration from your own team's live or pre-recorded sermons and encouraging words.

Broadcast Platform

A broadcast platform is what distributes/enables all services

Patient Board

The patient board is automated from the patient chart and keeps care information current for patients.

Patient Education

Accurate clinical education can be assigned or accessed on-demand by the patient.

Patient Entertainment

A secure Patient Entertainment portal provides access to personal accounts.

Mobile Access

Reach patients with mobile education before, during, and after their stay

Resource Partner

A Resource Partner provides much needed services after discharge to continue the recovery process.

Hospital Channel

Engaged when a television is turned on, the hospital channel leads the way in patient communications.

Education & Delivery

Education without delivery sits on the shelf